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Perhaps she could dance first and think afterwards . 1991

Perhaps she could dance first and think afterwards . 1991



Concept and performance

Vera Mantero



André Lepecki


Original light-design

João Paulo Xavier



'Ruby, My Dear' by Thelonious Monk


Light adaption

Bruno Gaspar



Vera Mantero



Pós d'Arte, 1991


Financial support

Instituto da Juventude


Other supports

Comp. de Dança de Lisboa.


Duration of the performance

20 minutes


Photo credit

Extension Sauvage Festival


Perhaps she could dance first and think afterwards was created by comission of the Klapstuk Festival 91 on the ocasion of Europalia Portugal.



I think all my pieces are born by chance. Too much by chance. I would like to be a little bit more methodical. But I think that to be methodical one has to believe and I have a problem: some lack of belief. Art and creation are some of the things that most interest me in life, but it seems that each time that I start doing something in that field I immediately stop believing in it. And then I finally stop believing in life itself and other things and so on.

My relationship with dance turns around the following questions: what does dance say? what can I say with dance? what am I saying when I'm dancing?


I didn't want to do this piece. Fortunately there was someone (Bruno Verbergt) who put a stage at my disposal and told me to do on it exactly whatever I needed to do. I did so. This piece evolved from all I just said.


Vera Mantero   

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