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Adorabilis creates a ceremonial space filled by bodies in a state of emergency and acts as a fictional machine housing three presences exposed and victimized by invisible tensions.  

Cascas d’OvO (eGGshells)
Lander Patrick
(Jonas & Lander)

Cascas d’OvO (eGGshells) was born from the need to explore a transcendent, telepathic communication, as the epitome of an intimate relationship between a couple.
Cascas d’OvO (eGGshells) establishes, above all, an experience that offers a new dimension of dialogue, where social relationships and their expressions are rethought: theatre as a microcosm of society that immerses the audience in silence and music of bodies that communicate.


NATURAL é um projeto de criação em Dança, sobre o sentido e significado da Dança, de um ponto de vista ideológico, ligado à ideia de que a Dança parte de um sentir e de um pensar, antes de tomar uma determinada expressão no corpo físico.



Nasceu em Lisboa, coreógrafa, professora de dança contemporânea, directora artística do projecto "Criar a Colaborar" e membro da direcção da associação ATLA.

Iniciou a sua formação em Dança com Paula Careto e na Escola de Dança Rui Horta e licenciou-se na Escola Superior de Dança. Realizou workshops com: Clara Andermatt, João Fiadeiro, Paulo Ribeiro, Francisco Camacho, Bernardo Montet, Pedro Berdayes, Dieter Heitkamp, Tere O’Connor, Nigel Charnock, Ramon Oller, Javier de Frutos,

In 2013 Francisco Camacho recreated  "The King in Exile" a solo that was premiered in 1991 and presented that same year  at Klapstuk festival in Leuven, launching from that moment on Camacho choreographic career in Europe.


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