CRYSTAL 2011/12
Crystal Is an exercise of perception based on the concepts of translation, transcription and documentation. The heartbeat is the “object” to translate / transcribe / document, through different procedures, generating a collection around the same source of reference. How can I point out the interval of time that has place between perception and action, the exact time where the full subjectivity of the heartbeat becomes objective?
Concept: Ana Trincão in collaboration with Alma Quintana, Esthel Vogrig, Joana Von Mayer Trindade, Joel Alejandro Rodriguez, Sonja Pregrad, ANY( Angelina Nina Yeowell )» Sound design and Original Music: Joel Alejandro Rodriguez, ANY( Angelina Nina Yeowell ) » Performers: Alma Quintana, Ana Trincão, Esthel Vogrig, Joel Alejandro Rodriguez » Light design: Jésica Elizondo,» Tutor: Angel Rosas »Artistic Residency: Programa de Residencias Artisticas para Creadores de Iberoamérica y Haití en Mexico » Production: MashaSoluciones Escénicasl » Project supported by: HZT Berlin, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Fondo Nacional Para La Cultura Y Las Artes (FONCA), Consejo nacional para la cultura y las artes (CONACULTA) Centro Cultural De España En México, Secretaría De Relaciones Esteriores (SRE) De México, Centro Nacional De Las Artes ( CENART). » Ana Trincão is a scholarship holder of Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian.