Rute Costa is Professor at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL). In 2001 she obtained a PhD in Terminology at the same University. In 1989, she studied in Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris for one semester, and made between 1992 and 1994 she had a training period at the Centre ATO – CI (Center for Research in Cognition and Information) at the Université du Québec, in Montreal.
At the UNL, in 2006, she has created and coordinated the Post-Graduation in Culturas e Discursos Emergentes: da crítica às manifestações artísticas. In 2007 she created the Master in Terminology and Management of Information for Special Purposes, being since then the scientific coordinator. She is also responsible for the PhD seminars in Terminology and Lexicography for special purposes in the Doctoral School of Linguistics. Since 2010, with Christophe Roche (Université de Savoie) she is responsible for the TOTh training held every year in June in France in conjunction with the TOTh conferences: Terminology and Ontologies: Theories and applications.
She is researcher at Linguistic Center of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (CLUNL), and she is associate researcher at the Team Condillac of the Lab of Computer science, Systems, Treatment of the information and Knowledge at the University of Savoie. She is also an external collaborator at l’Observatoire de Linguistique Sens-Text (OLST) at the University of Montreal.
She has been the President of the European Association for Terminology (EAFT) between 2000 and 2006. Since 2000 she is a liaison member of ISO TC 37 “Terminology and other language and content resources” and she is co-project leader (with Gerhard Budin & Christophe Roche) for the standards: 704, 1087 and 860. She is actually supervising 15 PhD theses in Terminology.
She participates in several projects, like:
1. SIERA - Integrating Sina Institute into the European Research Area – Instituição proponente: Birzeit University – Palestina . Birzeit University. Coordenação científica: Mustafa Jarrar
2. CogniNET - Cognitive Semantics in collaborative networks. Coordination: António Lucas Soares - INESC Porto/FE/UP.
3. European Statistical System Centres and Networks of Excellence on SDMX – Work package 2 – Metadata Common Vocabulary Ontology. European Commission – EUROSTAT. Coordination: Instituto Nacional de Estatística – Portugal.
Since several she participates in several international program committees of conferences in terminology and ontologies: TOTh, TKE, LREC, … She co-organized several workshops in terminology and Ontology (LREC 2004, 2006 and 2012; TKE 2010 and 2012; Vaasa 2006, Dublin, 2010, Lisbon 2012; EAFT summits 2002, 2004, 2006).