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António Miguel . 2000

António Miguel . 2000


My pieces are always born from an impossibility of affirmation - affirmation in the sense of certainty. Society always pushes us towards affirmative values: power, strength, achievements, harmony, etc. What is behind all this is what interests me - frailty, fear, absurd, the monster that might be inside each one of us. How do we live with uncertainty, with our limitations, with the unknown, with mortality in confrontation with culture and with how we build our world? Antonio Miguel was born from these premises, as well as from the necessity or importance of performances in our lives and in society. It’s also about artistic creation, original(ity) and identity, about the individual in relation with others and the necessity of a mirror so that we can be fulfilled.

Miguel Pereira


Miguel Pereira was awarded the Revelation Prize Ribeiro da Fonte 2000/Portuguese Ministry of Culture, and an Honour Nomination for the Prize Madalena Azeredo Perdigão/ACARTE/Gulbenkian Foundation 2000 with this piece.



General concept

Miguel Pereira


Creation and performance

Miguel Pereira, Antonio Tagliarini


Artistic consultant

Vera Mantero


Light design

Miguel Pereira with Carlos Gonçalves



Miguel Pereira


Light operation

Ricardo Madeira


Executive producer

O Rumo do Fumo



Forum Dança


Support and artistic residence


Video File: