Francisco Camacho is a choreographer and dancer living and working in Lisbon, who's work has been presented in several countries in Europe, South America, Africa, Asia and the U.S.A.
He choreographed and performed the solos "The King in Exile"(1991), "Our Lady of Flowers"(1993, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation's Special Mention of the Award ACARTE - Maria Madalena de Azeredo Perdigão 1992/93), “Superman” (2000), “Hitch”(2003), “Coup d´état” (2006) and recently "The King in Exile - Remake" (2013). He directed and choreographed the group pieces "With Death you fool me"(1994), "First Name: Le" (1994, Calouste Gulbenkian Award ACARTE / Maria Madalena de Azeredo Perdigão 1994/95), “Dom São Sebastião”(1996), “GUST”(1997), “More”(1998), “In Exchange” (2001, for the National Song and Dance Company of Mozambique), “My Name is Wilde… Oscar Wilde”(2001), “Silence so Sexy”(2002), “RIP (2010), "LOST RIDE" (2011), “ANDIAMO!” (2012) "The King in Exile — Remake" (2013), "E Pur Si Muove" (2014) and "Viagem Sentimental" (2017).
He presented performances in co-authorship with Mónica Lapa (“Bimarginário” 1990), Vera Mantero (“Blá-blá-blá” 1990), Carlota Lagido (“Sporting Decadence” 2000), Herwig Onghena (“LIVE|EVIL - EVIL/LIVE” 2005) and the Portuguese visual artist Vera Mota (“im-” 2009). Has also collaborated as choreographer of “Hanare” (2009) a solo by Aldara Bizarro. Works for non-conventional venues include: “The Street Prince” (1999) for a piece by the Portuguese visual artist Pedro Cabrita Reis at the Bonn Art Museum, “Laughter To My Heart” (2003) for the exhibition of Francis Bacon at Museu de Serralves, “Anonymous Performers (1999) for a main street of Lisbon, and “Private Dances” presented in different spaces in Portugal, The Netherlands and the UK.
The Portuguese press association "Casa da Imprensa" awarded him the prize Bordalo 1995 and 1997, as the most relevant individual in dance.
He danced with several choreographers in Portugal and in New York. Namely with Paula Massano; Meg Stuart / Damaged Goods in "Disfigure Study" (Europe and U.S.A.) , “BLESSED” (Europe and U.S.A.) and "Until our hearts stop" (2015); "All together Now"; with Alain Platel / Les Ballets C de la B in "Bonjour Madame, comment allez-vous aujourd'hui, il fait beau, il va sans doute pleuvoir, et cetera" (Europe and Canada) and with Carlota Lagido in “Lilith” and “Self” (Europe).
He is a founding member and co-artistic director of EIRA.